Family Therapy
for families with kids though 10 years old
Why family therapy? because it deals with family pain.
Virginia Satir
All families have their own unique structure, tone, rules, and dynamics. Sometimes, these dynamics are complementary and the family feels like a smooth, operating ship. Other times, these patterns of interacting feel confusing, painful, and dysfunctional. Families in family therapy report feeling stuck and struggle to move in a direction that aligns with their hopes, dreams, and values.
Family Therapy aims to improve family dynamics, communication patterns, and authentic connections between parents and their children. Children struggling with behavioral or emotional regulation, school functioning, or social functioning are supported within the context of their entire family unit. If your family is struggling with areas concerning discipline, defiance, aggressive behaviors, anger management, poor communication, and actively living your family values, Family Therapy is ideal to help your family move forward toward healthy, meaningful relationships. Our approach does not define the child as the problem, but instead sees the child as the awakener to something problematic that is deeply embedded within the family structure.
Family Therapy is successful when each family member has discovered ways to get what they need from their family relationships.