Just because raising kids is hard…
doesn’t mean you have to suffer.
We’re all born connected to our mothers via the umbilical cord. the moment that cord is severed, we spend the rest of our lives
seeking that deep sense of connection.

Our Mission
Our passion is to help parents and children feel more connected to themselves and to each other. Deep, authentic connection is what all human beings crave. We all long to feel safe, seen, heard, and understood, especially by the ones we love the most. Unfortunately, many tragic and difficult life events block our ability to discover the joy of a meaningful, genuine connection. At CPC, our highly trained psychotherapists aim to nurture safety, connection, and joy amongst every family member, all within a therapeutic environment.
Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.
Brene Brown
We help you feel seen and heard…
…even when you’re feeling vulnerable. We know that being a parent is one of life’s most vulnerable and challenging roles. It takes courage to look within and ask for help.
Vulnerability has the capacity to lead us in two directions: toward shame, where we hide our true selves and feel disempowered; or toward powerful connection, where we feel free to be our authentic selves with the ones we trust.
We know it’s not easy asking for help, which is why we are experts at holding space and supporting you along your journey without shame or judgment. We welcome all of you just as you are.